That man wiping the ice-cream of Alizeh's lips was the last straw. I had reached here five minutes ago as the two of them seemed to be deep in conversation. I didn't fly for six hours straight to just stand here, I reminded myself. I wish I had the talk with Noor and Dua even earlier so that I could get a peace of mind but who's to blame them when I myself shut off everyone.
I don't know if it was the lack of sleep that I had since a week or the possessiveness I had towards Alizeh that made me lose my calm and I straight away landed a punch on his face. She turned around almost immediately as if to attack me but then she saw me. "Zain?" Her voice almost faltered.
My Zeh. She looked perfect as always but if one knew her properly enough they would see the tiredness on her face. I controlled the urge to not touch her to make sure she's real. "Zain what the hell was that?" She shouted again and moved beside the guy I had just punched. He was probably Aariz, her date or whatever that Noor had mentioned.
"What else do you even expect from someone like him Zeh?" That guy told her. Seemed like the punch wasn't enough he would need a taste of death too. "She is my Zeh." I said confidently but Alizeh turned back at me, "I'm not your Zeh."
Punching her date probably wasn't the best thing to do since I was here to fix things with her but again, whoever goes on a date with her shall face the same fate. "You are my Zeh. I know you're mad at me for ruining your date but-"
That Aariz interrupted me, "What date you sick bastard? I'm her brother." He said holding my Zeh protectively. "Brother? But Noor-" and then it dawned upon me that Noor and Dua had made a fool out of me.
"He is my cousin, Aariz. Oh god. He's bleeding now. What exactly is your problem Zain Aziz?" Alizeh questioned making Aariz sit.
"Oh brother-" And with that I wasn't feeling hostile towards that guy anymore. If anything I probably needed to impress him along with Alizeh to get my Zeh back. "I'll get some ice- wait."
I handed him the ice pack and pulled Alizeh away from him. "I think he can manage it just fine. Looks like a tough guy."
"Mr. Aziz that doesn't give you the excuse to punch him." She spoke in a rather formal tone. "Not Mr.Aziz, your Aziz." I corrected her.
"No Mr.Aziz I do not have the right to call you Aziz or Zain. I'm really hoping this was a coincidence that you're here so I'm sorry we happened to cross paths but we were just leaving." She told me but I pulled her back by the wrist.
"Zeh please. Whatever happened that day, I'm sorry okay but we need to talk about it." I told her which probably didn't sound sorry as much as I wanted it to, thanks to my awful conversation skills.
"There's no we here Mr.Aziz. I don't know what you're doing here neither do I want to know. Now leave my hand." She urged me to leave her hand but I pulled her even closer, as her floral scent invaded my mind. But before I could say anything to her a hard punch landed on my jaw, "She asked you leave her."
"Aariz!" Alizeh shouted with her mouth covered, gasping at us.
"What? He seems like a tough guy don't worry he won't die." Aariz seemed to mimick me back. What the hell was up with this guy.
"I'm talking to my fiancee." I told him.
"Ex-fiancee." She corrected me.
"Do you want to talk to him Zeh?" Aariz questioned Alizeh to which she shook her head. "Then it's decided. Come near my sister again and I'll break your bones." He threatened me like I was someone he could threaten.
With that Alizeh and he started walking away from me but I could hear her mumble to him which she probably assumed I couldn't, "At least give him some ice, no matter what don't ruin that handsome face again." Hearing this a hint of a smile finally crossed my face after more than a week, there's my Zeh.
"I'm here to win you back Zeh so tell your brother his empty threats won't work." I shouted back at them. Yeah reconnecting with my Zeh had turned me into a completely different person.
I went back to my home which is technically our family home, here in London. No one stayed here but there were paid caretakers to make sure it was always taken care of. No one was at home right now though as I hadn't informed I was coming. Well I myself didn't know I was coming until six hours ago.
First things first, I called Azaan, it was midnight here so dawn had probably broken back there. Azaan answered on the second ring, "In case you haven't noticed this is my number not Alizeh's."
"I know I need to talk to you. I left everything in the middle so just temporarily I need you to take care of my company." I informed him.
"Fine and Zain it's 5am here. Thanks to Kabir and Shayra we came home at 3. Why do you all keep forgetting I just got married. Take a look at the time when calling a married guy." He said annoyed.
"Wait is that jiju- I want to talk to him." I heard Dua's voice.
"Of course Meri Jaan." He said in a sweet voice to her.
"So did you meet her? What did she say? What was her reaction?" Dua asked excited.
"I thought you were nice and innocent but you set me up for a trap Dua." I complained.
"Hey, my wife is nice and innocent also it's Dua bhabi now." Azaan corrected me. Why was everyone so sick in love suddenly.
"To be fair, you deserved it jiju. Now tell me her reaction!" Dua defended herself.
"Nothing much except her brother punched me." I told her to which both of them shouted back, "PUNCHED YOU?"
"I punched him first if we are looking at points and that's on you and Noor because I thought you said she was on a date." I said acting nonchalant but this was probably the most I had ever even spoken to Dua even.
"If we are done I'm keeping the call we need to sleep for tomorrow." Azaan told me.
But suddenly something hit me, "Azaan wait."
"What now?"
"How did you convince Dua to marry you?" I questioned. Dua had affirmed that he did not put her on gunpoint but it was still unbelievable. "Why do you guys not believe that she asked me to marry her!" Azaan replied frustrated to which Dua started laughing.
"Listen jiju if she shows too much attitude then make puppy eyes at her, she can never resist those?" Dua advised me. Puppy eyes? How would that even look? Guess we will never know.
I couldn't express the relief I felt when she said it was her cousin. Yes, she is still my Zeh, hasn't moved on. I would finally get a peaceful sleep tonight after a week.
The next morning I arrived at Alizeh's doorsteps at seven in the morning. Did I stalk her? No. I simply kept the whereabouts of my fiancee. I rang the doorbell and in a few moments my sleepybear answered the door. Her hair was up in a messy bun, my doorbell had woken her up and she was still processing everything as she saw me standing with a large red bouquet and two other man behind me, each holding a breakfast tray. After seeing her yesterday, it was as if she lost ten pounds in a week so I was determined to make sure she had all her meals.
"What in the world is happening?" She questioned.
"Good morning Zeh. I brought you, your favourite roses and your breakfast after which we can sit and talk." I hoped but she simply looked at me as if I deciding if I was real or not.
"Keep the food on the table." She addressed my two chauffeurs and asked them to leave. After that she asked me to keep the flowers aside on the ground. I obeyed her without question. "So you did not understand what I told you yesterday?" She questioned me.
"I did but I chose to ignore it. Give me one chance to explain." I replied.
"Stay here." She told me and then she was back in a minute but this time with a jug of water and I knew what was about to happen to me. Five seconds later I stood drenched in my polo t-shirt, thanks to the jug of water my crazy girl decided to throw on me. "This is just the trial Zain. If you don't leave me alone I will show you how crazy I can get."
"Seeing my crazy girl act crazy actually turns me on you know." I flirted with her.
"You- shut up. Go away Zain!" She managed to say, poorly hiding her tinted cheeks and was about to close the door while I had nothing else to use. "Wait!" I said abruptly.
"What?" She questioned and I had no other choice than to make those eyes Dua had advised me to. She looked at me like I was the crazy one. Yeah maybe I was, I couldn't believe what I was doing either. "Are you trying to cry?" Alizeh questioned.
"No its supposed to be puppy eyes or something that you can't resist as Dua mentioned." I said changing my expressions as that was definitely a fail. What even is a puppy eye?
"Dua is in this with you?" She gasped and before I could stop her, she shut the door on my face.
Alizeh was my top priority but right now what topped that even was changing my clothes. In fact I should keep a spare set in my car for all times because my gut told me this won't be last time she pulled a stunt like this.
For the first time in my life I felt very unemployed as I sat in my car with nothing to do rather than keep a checkout of when Alizeh would come out.
She finally came out at 11am and pretended to ignore me as soon as she saw me but I blocked her path. "Did you have breakfast?"
"None of your business, Mr.Aziz" She replied politely as her sleepiness had worn off.
"If you didn't then I don't mind ordering-" I began but she quickly stopped in her path, "Yes yes I did. Now I have to go to the library. Don't disturb me I need to study." She told me sternly.
"As you wish but after you agree that you will give me a chance to talk." I argued.
"Listen I only had the breakfast because I don't like wasting food and if you try to come at my place unannounced again I will call the cops or even better let Aariz actually beat you up this time." She warned but I just chuckled at her words, "I don't think you'll let him ruin this handsome face now."
"Uff you! I will if you don't stop pestering me. I'm not your fiancee anymore and I want nothing to do with you in my life. So leave me alone." She announced.
"You're right. You're not my fiancee anymore you're about to be my wife so I'm going to listen to you and let you go but I'll be waiting for you at night." I told her and before she could walk away I planted a small kiss on her forehead and immediately moved five steps away before she could attack me with something.
"Uff Zain when will you give up?" Alizeh sighed as she saw me waiting outside her apartment as she returned from her last exam. This had been going on for the entire week, every morning I would bring her breakfast in return she would shut the door on my face but at least she was having the breakfast. During the day she would be out at her job or locked up in the library.
"When you finally agree to talk to me."
"Don't you have a company to handle? How could you leave your first wife alone?" She questioned.
"My first wife?" I looked at her quizzically.
"Your laptop." She replied annoyed which almost made me laugh.
"Oh that's in the car." I answered. I mean I couldn't stay without my laptop now.
"Good for you. Go to your laptop because I have a date tonight." She flashed me a big smile.
"Alizeh you're not going." I told her sternly.
"You can't order me around Mr.Aziz. As you're not taking my words seriously you should see for yourself that I'm moving on."
"Zeh please." I told her nicely and if that failed it won't be upon me that her date goes missing mysteriously.
"Listen Mr.Aziz if you even think of doing anything to my date I swear I'll never talk to you again." She threatened me and as if reading my thoughts, warned me again, "I'm serious if you even touch the guy I'll never speak to you again."
1 hour later we both sat on the rooftop restaurant but on opposite tables. I couldn't do anything to the guy but she didn't say anything about being in the restaurant. I watched quietly as she sat there with another man, laughing way more than necessary, all to make it painful for me to watch and do nothing. At least there was no touching involved but I cursed myself because at that moment he reached out for her hand. I got up from my table but Alizeh signalled me with her eyes. She was really testing me on purpose.
I sat down, bashing that stupid blowfish date of hers in my mind until a brilliant idea came to my mind. I couldn't do anything to her date but someone else could.
In fifteen minutes, I was standing at the reception of Aariz's office. The receptionist agreed to let me in his cabin once I lied to her that I was family, here to surprise him. She knocked on the door, "Sir this gentleman claims to be your family."
Aariz glanced at me and went, "No, he is not family." But I quickly took control of the situation, "That's because I'm his best friend. Thank you for escorting me." I bid the receptionist as she looked confused. At least Ahaan wasn't here to hear me or else he'd throw a fit. Not that I care.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned.
"As your future brother in law you should show more respect." I told him.
"You're not my future brother in law." He stated.
"Says who?"
"My sister."
"About that I think you should check on her, at the Sky Garden Restaurant sitting on the third table to the left." That gained his interest, "Are you stalking my sister?"
"No simply telling you that I support you in any crime that you wish to commit to the guy who is sitting there on a date with your sister." I answered.
"Why would I do anything against him?"
"For the same reason you punched me." I answered.
"I punched you as a return gift not for Alizeh." He told me and it sank in that he did not have a problem with a guy dating Alizeh but rather me.
"I think you would care if the guy she is out with is a sleazebag." I told him. No matter how cool he might try to show he is with Alizeh going out on dates but as a brother I knew he would care about it.
"So why don't you do something about it?"
"If I could then I would have. If you really do care about your sister then I think you would come to check on her." I told him and left the cabin. Before my ten second timer ran out he emerged from the door, "If you're wrong about this guy I'll make sure you never come near my sister again."
As Aariz and I entered the restaurant Alizeh's eyes bulged out. We sat quietly for ten minutes as their date wrapped up and I could tell Aariz was getting ready to punch me instead but then things turned in my favour. The guy hugged Alizeh a goodbye but it couldn't have been more visible that she was uncomfortable. Her shoulders scrunched up and she was struggling to free herself when Aariz spoke up, "Yep that's my cue."
Before I knew it Aariz went over and freed Alizeh and the three of them seemed to exchange a conversation which resulted in Aariz punching the guy. But instead of saying anything to Aariz she strolled towards me and took me out of the door with her, "I have no clue how you convinced Aariz to come here with you which is a miracle but just so you know I'm never talking to you again!"
"You can't do that because technically I didn't do anything Aariz did." I told her.
"I'm leaving I can't deal with this anymore."
"Zeh please listen-" but she was gone. I knew she was right from her aspect so I had to keep on trying until I succeeded.
I found Alizeh sipping her coffee, reading a book quietly at the library. "You have started reading to avoid me now Zeh?"
"I always liked reading, you would have known if you cared enough to know about me." She replied.
"And Zain get out of here. I can't shout at you here but I need to study so leave!" She shouted at me in a hush voice. She looked cute when she was frustrated.
"I gave you all the time you needed during your exams but I know they ended yesterday so now you're going to listen to me." I told her.
Before she could reply, a call broke our conversation. She quickly answered it and immediately her expressions changed. "Oh my god, I'm so happy for you Dua!"- "Yeah of course I'll try I don't know-" "Okay okay don't worry."
"What happened with Dua?" I asked as she kept the call.
"Her life problems are finally ending and now that I'm in a good mood, I'll avoid throwing my coffee at you if you leave now." She told me knowing very well I won't listen.
I took the book that was lying on the table and she immediately stood up trying to snatch it back but I was way taller than her so she couldn't do anything. I read one sentence and threw the book back at her, "Tauba Tauba." I didn't know whether I should wash my eyes with holy water or her mind.
"Your fault!" Alizeh flushed at the situation.
I stepped towards her and she stepped back hitting the bookshelf with a soft thud. I closed the distance between us and bent down to her height aware of her fast breathing as I whispered in her ears, "Why do you read these when I can recreate it for you?" I said tracing my fingers along her jawline as her cheeks were tinted with a pink blush. The smoothness of her skin beneath my fingertips sent a shiver through me, a reminder of how long it had been since we'd shared a moment like this.
Life does come in full circle, we were standing in a library like we had the first time I fell for her. Alizeh's breath hitched, her wide eyes searching mine, as if she was weighing her options, her usual fiery spirit momentarily dulled by uncertainty. I knew it was either now or never. "Est-il trop tard pour dire que je suis amourex de toi Cherie" (Is it too late to say that I'm in love with you darling.)
Her eyes widened with a flash of familiarity but then dismissed as she snapped, "Don't call me Cherie!"
"Considering that was the first ever nickname I ever gave you, I have all the rights to call you my Cherie." I told her and placed a kiss on her forehead which got her out of her momentary confusion as she pushed me away.
"You- what? Stop messing with my mind Aziz. If you think playing these stupid games with me will make you win then you're wrong." She told me furiously
"I never lose Cherie, specially if its you that I have to win over." I told her confidently. I may lose anything in this world but not her, never her.
"You want to talk to me right? I'll meet you tomorrow night but after that you will leave me alone." She announced, stomping out of the place as she turned back one last time, "Forever."
I nervously paced around my office as the hour drew closer. One week ago, we had filed the patent against the Hadi company. I knew all the evidence were against them but I still couldn't help getting stressed as media was involved. The voice recording- check. The embezzlement papers-check. The Maliks being framed papers-check. Zain had also helped by sending a footage which showed Mahir intoxicating Alizeh's drink. Only the witness was left whom I can only hope Kabir would be able to convince and bring to the court in time for the trial.
Kabir had been working together with me all week. When he said we would be professional, he entirely meant it which now made me a little sad. He only ever spoke to me when needed in a serious tone and barely ever gave me a second look. The only time I had seen my Kabir was when he punched Mahir like a crazy man for me. A part of me refused to believe this was the same Kabir who broke my heart.
When I shared everything with Dua and Noor they refused to believe that this was Kabir. However, they did agree that he had become more reserved than before. Their theory suggested that something had happened for him to behave like this but we decided to deal with that after the family drama sorted.
We had shown both the Maliks and the Aziz, the proofs separately ofcourse, immediately after stealing them from the Hadi office. Shock would be an understatement for their reaction- though therewas a little mistrust in the beginning as Amir Hadi had been the best friend of Zain, Azaan and Kabir's fathers for years. But the proofs were so solid they had to give in at the end. However, today would decide everything.
The trial went even smoother than I expected but Kabir made the day by bringing not one but three witnesses to the courtroom. The witnesses knew they would be punished too for their part in supporting the Hadis in their crime but that was Kabir with his talent of eloquently persuading people and bringing the good in them.
"You will pay for this Shayra!" Mahir shouted as the police took him away along with his father after we won the case. As much as I was happy winning what made it better was the five second hug Kabir had given me out of excitement. I didn't think the feeling of becoming a puddle was real- but it was. His touch made my body very aware of itself.
"You guys did it!" Dua, Noor, Azaan and Ahaan congratulated us. But silence took over celebrations as we saw Dua's father and uncle approaching Azaan's father and Zain's father.
Azaan's father was the first one to speak up, "After all these years, an apology seems too small of a word to make even for whatever happened."
"No if anything we should apologize for believing the Hadis despite knowing you guys." Dua's uncle replied surprising the rest of us. What happened next surprised us even more as Dua and Azaan's dad embraced each other and even both their uncles shook hands. "If everything goes well, we will definitely partner with you guys for our next project. After all everyone should know we are back for good." Zain's father remarked, surprising as even more.
"You're forgetting we are not only partners in business but now family too Arash." Azaan's father replied looking at Dua and Azaan. Dua's father approached them and placed his hand on Dua's head, "I'm proud of Dua." Dua immediately embraced him, fighting her way through tears. Between the four of us Dua and Noor were most connected to their parents so I can't imagine how these weeks felt for her being away from her dad.
"I'm so sorry for everything Dad. I promise I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know what else to do." She told him.
"As long as you realize your mistake, it's okay. You will always be my daughter and nothing can ever change that." He told her. As they broke apart Azaan addressed him, "Uncle-" But Dua's father stopped him right there.
"Listen to me Azaan Aziz, years ago I asked you to stay away from my daughter but you did quite the opposite. So naturally you wouldn't be my first choice for my daughter. I can't say no to my daughter when she has tears in her eyes and she has had too many of them because of you so that doesn't make me like you either." Her father declared and the rest of us sighed.
However uncle glanced at Dua's tearful face and continued, "However she will have more tears in her eyes if she stays without you. I'm taking my daughter with me and if you want to prove you're worthy of my daughter then come to take her in the right manner." After this uncle and his brother left with Dua as she made no objection either.
Azaan looked at the rest of us dumbfounded as his own dad patted his shoulder before leaving, "You should come back home son because this time you won't get your wife back without us."
"What the hell just happened?" Azaan questioned as the elders left.
"Well Dua's dad meant he will only give you Dua once you take her proposal the proper way which means you need to convince all our family members considering they are all mad at you." Kabir explained.
"I understood that my brother but how come I have to take all this trouble if both the families are reunited now. Why always me?" Azaan sighed, "I should get going if I have to convince grandma and grandfather." Azaan hurried out cursing his luck as Ahaan and Kabir laughed.
"You two are so mean, shouldn't you guys help my jiju?" Noor demanded.
"We would but you see our job this time is to see him suffer." Ahaan replied.
Seeing our bemused faces Kabir elaborated, "It's a plan by our family. Our dad and uncle already talked with Dua's father yesterday because they believed in me and Shayra. It was then decided they would start afresh and get Azaan bhaia and Dua bhabi married in front of them. However as Azaan bhaia had left our home and refused to come back, everyone wanted him to suffer a little now as he made them suffer. So they are only pretending to be mad now."
"Yeah it's already decided that we are taking Azaan's proposal to Dua's family tonight." Ahaan gave us the good news.
"We should celebrate this." I told them.
"I'm honestly tired you guys go on and I would rather watch my brother getting a shoe thrown at him." Kabir joked with Noor and Ahaan completely ignoring me.
"I guess we should go to Dua's place too." Noor dragged me out. "Don't worry now that we are done with that scumbag, our mission will be to find the cure to your loverboy's attitude." She assured me. Staying with Ahaan had made her a lovergirl too.
"He isn't my loverboy." I protested.
"But you want him to be." Noor teased but this time I didn't protest back because I really wanted him to be.
CHAPTER-48: The French Confession
"I can't believe this is actually happening with you Dua!" Noor exclaimed. I couldn't believe it either. When my dad brought me home directly from the courtroom I was still confused as to what had just happened but I did not dare say a word because I was scared to lose him again.
My family welcomed me back far better than I could expect. My mom broke down crying because even though she used harsh words on me every time we met she couldn't mean them. My grandmother wasn't really over it but she wasn't saying anything bad either so I guess that's a win. My cousins, Siara said she was happy for me as for Safwan he didn't really bother saying anything but that's fine. They were disappointed in me and maybe if I was in their place I would be too.
But sometimes, we have to draw a line between our family's expectations and our happiness and Azaan taught me how to do that. But we had promised not to think about the past anymore and move forward. My dad didn't like Azaan to the fullest yet but he was ready to accept him for me and that's all that mattered. We were not going to get a fairytale ending where everyone is happy and forgiving. Things happen and we learn to live with it and make ourselves happy.
"Did anyone talk to Alizeh?" Shayra broke my thoughts.
"Yeah last week, she bashed me for giving Zain ideas." I told her.
"He's trying really hard. Last week, he called Ahaan to know how he convinced me. I don't think he was interested in the story he was probably trying to figure out how to convince Alizeh." Noor added.
"So you and Ahaan are really together now? No more fights?" Shayra asked.
"No we still fight but now I always win." Noor answered cheekily. The door rang and Shayra quickly fixed my dupatta.
"Now now Dua jaan when are we getting mini jaans?" Noor questioned excited. This was a question she asked me everyday twice.
"Noorie I already told you, the circumstances in which we got married we didn't even get to recover from our past properly. We are taking things slowly." I told them as the noise of cars broke our conversation.
"Guys what if they don't like me?" I suddenly panicked seeing the scene through my balcony as Azaan's family entered with gifts.
"I perfectly avoided them at Noor's engagement but what do I do now? I-" but Noor calmed me down, "Dua even if they don't like you, nothing to do if you're already their daughter-in-law."
"But still-"
"If they didn't, they wouldn't have come with your proposal." Shayra assured me. "Also guys look at this, Ahaan sent me the video of Azaan trying to convince everyone all day while they blatantly ignored him." Shayra laughed.
"So how did they come then?" I questioned.
"You will know." Shayra winked at Noor and they both suppressed their laughs, definitely knowing something that I didn't.
As we entered the hall room where everyone was already seated, Azaan's mother embraced me in a tight hug. She had never been rude to me or so nice. She always maintained a neutral composure so this first hug definitely meant it was a good sign and before I knew it the tension between the two families eased as they talked and laughed.
"How did this miracle happen?" I whispered to no one particularly but my dad came and stood beside me, "You didn't think I would let my daughter go away without a proper farewell this time, did you?"
"The elders talked about everything yesterday itself. I'll explain later." Shayra answered from the other side.
Later as the elders decided the date and everything, I was sitting upstairs in my room with Noor, Shayra, Siara, Zaina, Kiara and Alisha who excitedly chatted about the upcoming event. It was decided they would hold a big reception and on the same day my I would have my farewell.
Someone knocked on the door and Azaan came in, not expecting the crowd. "What are you all doing here?" The girls shouted at him.
"I'm in my wife's room. I should be asking you all." He retorted back.
"Sorry bhaia but you aren't allowed to meet Dua bhabi until the event anymore. Strict orders from the elders." Zaina claimed.
"I came here to call the three of you for dinner." Azaan answered and on cue we all heard my mom's voice too.
Everyone left the room and I was the last one however as soon as I reached for the door, Azaan came in locked it. "You aren't going anywhere wifey."
"You heard what Zaina said you aren't supposed to meet me until the event." I teased him.
But in one swift, deliberate move, his hand gripped my waist, yanking me toward him. My back slammed softly against the door. His body pressed against mine, trapping me. His scent- that intoxicating cologne-wrapped around me, making it impossible to think straight. It was rich and heady and something darkly seductive that clouded my senses. I knew I could've pushed him away, but my hands betrayed me, clinging to the fabric of his shirt.
Then he slowly moved his gaze from eyes to my neck and his lips grazed my neck, barely a touch, just enough to make me gasp. My heart pounded in my chest, my breathing shallow as I struggled to find air. I could feel him smile on the sensitive spot just below my ear, "No one can stop me from meeting my wife, not even you Meri Jaan."
"Oh really? The last I checked I still had a say in this matter and I say no." I managed to say. But he knew exactly what he was doing when as a response his fingers tightened on my waist, pulling me impossibly closer. Then his lips trailed along my neck, so slowly and deliberately it was torture. "Do you still say no?"
"No-" His mouth hovered just over my skin, teasing, "Yes I mean-" I said breathless not knowing what I was saying until he finally brushed his lips against my skin again.
"Azaan and Dua bhabi everyone's calling you!" Ahaan's shouting gave me the strength to push Azaan back as a playful smirk played on his face.
I couldn't have been more happier for Dua but at the same time it hurt me to be even in the same room with him and not being able to laugh at his jokes, or watch him smile or even spare a glance at him. What was worse was I could feel the glances and whisperings of his family members about me ever since I introduced myself, maybe because they knew I worked on the case but my gut feeling told me something else was up.
As everyone finished their dinner and sat for desserts, Azaan and Dua also came back. "Where were you two?" I whispered as they took the seats beside.
"Having dessert." Azaan whispered back and Dua's cheeks tinted with pink.
"Everyone, grandma wants to say something." Kiara announced and the room fell silent.
"Now that we are all gathered here, lets not forget the two people who made this possible. Shayra and Kabir, we couldn't have been more proud of the two of you for what you have done." Kabir's grandmother announced as the others gave us nods of appreciation and cheered for us. I wasn't comfortable being in the limelight unlike Kabir who seemed to fit in with everyone.
"Now that all three of your grandsons are tying the knot, why don't you fix your last grandson's wedding too to be at peace." Dua's aunt joked with their grandmother but I saw the tiny change of expression on Siara's face. They didn't know about Alizeh and Zain of course, and now with the rivalry gone no one is stupid enough to not try to set their kids in the renowned Aziz family.
"That's true Kabir, before I die I at least wish to see you and Shayra tie the knot at least." His Dadi announced.
Kabir spit out his dessert and started coughing, my impulsiveness made me shout in surprise, "WHAT?" But what helped even less was the reaction of my so-called friends. They made the situation even worse by their giggling and cheers.
"Dadi I-umm- I think you're mistaken." Kabir quickly spoke up.
"Of course not. Do you think your dadi is that old that her memory is so weak that she won't remember her to-be grand-daughter-in-law." Dadi argued back.
"I think there's a misunderstanding Dadi." I chirped in with a tiny voice not trusting myself to speak.
"I believe it was you that I met in the mall with Kabir that day, Shayra?" Dadi questioned so sternly that I had no option but to nod.
"Well, let Azaan's wedding fuss get over and then we will do something about you two as well." Azaan's mom assured as like we wanted assurance about that. I looked over at Kabir but he intentionally avoided looking at me.
After a little more time, Azaan's family started taking their leave but just before we bid them goodbye, Dua cornered me. "Come with me."
"Where?" I questioned.
"To my rooftop, I left something there and I need to get it before they leave." She told me.
"What is so important that you need to get it now?" I questioned suspicious.
"Come with me and you'll see!" Dua said dragging me with her. As we stood on her rooftop, she made a silly face, "Wait here!" That was enough for me to know something was wrong but before I could react, she ran away closing the door from outside. "Dua what the hell!"
"Sorry, but it's for your own good." She told me from behind the door, "Just wait here, I'll bid everyone goodbye and get back to you."
Five minutes later, the door opened but instead of Dua, Kabir entered. "Shayra what are you doing here?" He questioned confused.
But before I could answer, the door closed behind him, "Ahaan? What the hell is happening?"
"Sorry guys, but this was necessary." We heard Noor's voice. As I understood their true intentions I sighed, "You tricked me into coming here, isn't everyone waiting for us?" Kabir complained to them.
"Don't worry, I told everyone you're coming with me in my car." Ahaan shouted back.
"Also guys, if you try to shout for help or anything, my family might find you and you can imagine how bad your impressions will be if they find you alone in the roof at this hour." Dua warned. Such traitors I had with me.
"Yeah so don't try. We will open it when I want to leave." Ahaan announced.
"And when do you plan to leave?" I questioned.
"Well the three of us are going to sit for a movie at Dua's home movie hall then we'll see." Ahaan informed.
"More like I will be third-wheeling." We could hear Dua complain.
"Ahaan I won't spare you once I get out!" Kabir shouted at him.
"Talk too much and I won't feel like leaving till morning." Ahaan threatened back.
Five minutes later, we both sat down awkwardly on the seatees arranged. "I'm sorry." Kabir spoke up first, breaking the silence.
"Why are you apologising, you were tricked like me as well." I replied.
"Not about that- I'm sorry about the reason we are stuck here."
I remained quiet not knowing what to reply to that. It's indeed a rare case that I- Shayra Riaz remain quiet.
"That voice-recording, you shot it the day we were supposed to go for lunch right? On Azaan bhaia and Dua Bhabi's wedding day?" He questioned and I nodded. Even though I had cut the part of Mahir and my conversation about Kabir before showing it in the court. Kabir had still heard it when we were working on the case. I didn't know his reaction because I didn't want to know so I handed him the recording for him to verify once.
"I heard you and Mahir talking about me." Kabir told me.
"I know, I'm the one who gave you the recording to listen to it." I answered confused.
"No, I heard it myself when I arrived that day for our lunch. I heard you talking to him and afterwards you know what happened." He shrugged and it finally hit me what had happened.
He came for lunch that day? And he even heard me and Mahir talking, he must have misunderstood our conversation about him. No doubt, anyone in his place would have but wait, that's the reason he had behaving so cold with me since all these days? I stared at him wide mouthed for five minutes, not knowing whether I was guilty for saying all that or sad that all of this mis-confusion had to happen but I knew one thing for sure, I was mad. Really mad and frustrated at Kabir for not telling me this before and making me overthink.
"You fool!" I shouted getting up with the pillows behind me and bashing him with them as the realisation finally set it.
"Ouch- I can explain." Kabir's muffled voice came from behind the pillows.
"Don't talk like Zain! Because what you did is exactly something like he would do." I said rolling my eyes, settling down again, feeling a little lighter.
"I know. If I'm being honest I was hurt at first but later it hurt my ego because it wasn't the first time I heard you saying something like that." He admitted and it made me feel a little guilty. First it was with Aadil and then with Mahir.
"If it makes you feel any better I never meant any of what I said at any of those times quite the opposite in fact." I admitted looking at the ground as suddenly the ground seemed more interesting to me.
"I hope we can move forward from this and be friends like before." He replied and I looked at him, his eyes had a little glint in them which were missing since ages and his shoulders were relaxed unlike the other times when we were with each other. So he really meant what he was saying which is that's all he was saying?
"Yeah we sure can." I replied dumbfounded. I don't know what I was expecting but yeah maybe I should wait. He probably still believed I meant whatever I said but I didn't know how to make him believe me either.
"Should we try to make them open the door now? Kabir questioned and I nodded.
As we were about to walk to the door, I stepped on a stone in my heels and tripped. To gain balance I ended up colliding with Kabir, when I finally regained my balance I noticed what I had done! My red lipstick was properly imprinted on his white shirt. We both looked at it awkwardly for a few seconds until I reached out to remove it but he stopped me, "Don't"
"I mean, it will make it worse." Kabir gave a blatant excuse and I walked away with a smirk on my face because somewhere under all that 'just friends' act, my lover boy was still there.
As I climbed in through Dua's window I remembered the last time I had done it. Time did fly away fast.
Dua, had just entered the room before I could even text her about it. She almost screamed but I quickly hushed her. "Azaan what are you doing here!"
"I missed you Meri Jaan." I answered.
"It's only been an hour since we last saw each other." Dua replied.
"I know you missed me too. You can drop the act." I told her.
"No- I wasn't just tired of third-wheeling Noor and Ahaan while watching the movie so I came back to sleep." Dua answered.
I moved forward and wrapped my arms around her waist, "Admit it, you were going to call me before you went to sleep."
"Was I? Now we'll never know." She answered goofily before giving me a kiss on my cheeks.
"Aren't you becoming bold Meri Jaan." I noticed.
"That was Dua Malik. This is Dua Azaan Aziz." She replied cheekily and I engulfed her in a hug.
"I love you wifey." I admitted knowing she already knew it.
"I love you too husband." She replied giving me another kiss. This was definitely my lucky day.
I don't know how long we stayed like that but I knew that it would never be enough. Every single moment that I spent with Dua now was worth every single suffering I had suffered since the last six years. I would happily suffer another six years if it meant I got my Dua at the end, because these little moments with her were worth it all.
I don't think I would ever get used to the idea that we were finally having our happy ever after but here we were living in it. Sometimes miracles do happen and she was my miracle and always will be.
"This is the third time you changed." Aariz taunted me.
"In my defence, the first one had something spilled on it and the second was not meant for this cold weather. But yeah I'm ready now." I told him.
"So you're really giving him a chance?" Aariz asked in a calculative tone. I couldn't figure out yet if he was on Zain's side or against his.
"No I'm just giving him a chance to talk which mind you, he wasn't very eager on doing when he was my fiancé so let's see what's so important now." I replied.
"Then he better make that worth it so that I don't have to punch him again." Aariz replied.
"You will not hit him again as you promised." I scolded Aariz as he made a face.
Thirty minutes later I found Zain waiting for me at the Coppa Club - a famous glass igloo restaurant in London.
"Make it quick you only have fifteen minutes at best." I told him as we sat down in our place.
"I'm sorry. For everything that has happened since day one." He admitted.
"Not in a mood to forgive. So that's all I suppose. Bye." I said getting up but he pulled me back by the wrist.
"Chup" He said putting a finger to my lips, "You're not going anywhere until I'm done."
"What will you do if I go?" I challenged.
"Can't say it will be the first time that I will be kidnapping you." He replied.
I rolled my eyes at him so he removed his finger and starting talking, looking not at me but at the distant view of the Tower Bridge shining in the night. "The first time I saw you I thought you were-"
"Crazy, I remember." I completed the sentence for him.
"That's the thing you don't remember Zeh, the first time I saw you I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen." He looked at me straight in the eye.
"I want to confess to you today-" He said in a firm voice which made me hold my breath but the next words made it fall again, "About my first love."
"Why would I want to-" but he put his fingers on my lips silencing me, "I saw her once, just once and that was enough. The way she talked, smiled and rolled her eyes were imprinted in my mind for years, until it wasn't anymore." It still ached my heart to hear him talk about her but I remained silent waiting for him to continue because he was opening a part of himself I had been waiting to meet.
"I met her when I was going through something in my life and with just a few words, unknowingly she entered my life like those angels and made me the person I'm today. I didn't have it easy getting my dreams to reality. So I finally found the courage but my dad never wanted me to leave the family business. He has own insecurities, as the younger son he wasn't the heir of the family but with me being the oldest he probably wanted to live his life through me. Sometimes people become selfish not realizing what they loose in order for that. He gave me a timeline to see if I was capable enough to stand my company, if not I would have to listen to him. I was struggling and just at the end of the timeline when I was about to strike the deal of my lifetime he made sure I ended up looking like a fool. My dad thought it was insulting that I went around looking for investors so he made my best friend delete all my hard work from my laptop so that he won." Zain ended with a humorless laugh as I remained speechless.
"Your best friend-?" I couldn't help questioning.
"Mahir Hadi." He answered as I stilled in my place.
"I found out though that my best friend and my dad had betrayed me together. But when I confronted them they said it was for my own good. My own dad wanted someone else as his son and my best friend was only my friend for my name. Everyone in the family knew what they did but no one said a word. For some reason, in our culture whatever parents do to their kids is right."
"Your mom or your grandmother?" I questioned.
"No one.”
"Only my brothers took my side but we were all still young so no one took them seriously. That's the day I left the house and never looked back. After years now, sometimes Dadi stays sick so if she ever asks me to stay I don't refuse."
"Your dad never apologized?" I asked.
"No he won't neither do I want it. What hurt me more than what he did to me were his words. He never wanted a son like me and doesn't miss an opportunity to remind me that." His words were only a whisper now. I slowly reached out and wrapped my fingers around him. His eyes met mine and he gave me one of his slight smiles that made me become a puddle. My heart broke for the boy who had to endure all this alone.
"I'm not saying all this for your sympathy Zeh, I'm telling you so you know who I am and why do certain things matter to me so much. My father chose my friend over me, my so-called best friend betrayed and-"
"And the girl you loved she also?" I questioned.
"For years until a few months ago I thought she didn't want me either. When I was still friends with Mahir, he had told me he would help me with her but I didn't know it was quite the opposite." I listened carefully as Zain told me all the awful things Mahir had told him saying that it came from that girl. For some reason, I imagined myself in his place wondering how broken I would have been if the person I loved uttered these words for me and he had been carrying those burden for years.
"I forgot her after that for years, didn't even remember her face or her existence but with the three of them I learnt my lesson. I probably will never even admit it in front of anyone else let alone myself but I felt no one would ever choose me. So when I asked you whether you willingly chose this engagement and you lied I felt like I was back in my past with my closest ones lying and betraying me because I would never be their first choice. But that probably doesn't justify what happened that night so I want you to know I'm sorry." I gulped listening to him because he had admitted once how he could never talk about his emotions but he was doing it right now.
"I understand now why you feel that way Zain and I'm sorry for lying to you that day but that's only because the deal didn't matter to me." I explained but I didn't feel it was enough so I decided to let my guard down finally.
"I only chose you because of the deal first but after our engagement, I kept choosing you everyday Zain Aziz, even when you didn't choose me." My voice barely a whisper.
"You don't get it do you? You were my first choice Zeh. You're my first choice, my last choice and everything in between." He said pulling me closer to him, refusing to break our eye contact as his words breathed life inside.
"Liar, your first love was that girl." I complained but what right did I have?
Zain smirked at my words instead, "I met her at her school for a debate competition. She sneaked me into the library with her to escape from the guards. I was with her for an hour and that was enough for me to tell her that I was in love with her." I felt something inside me break. I know it was his past but there was another girl out there who had gotten everything from him I wanted.
"You said until recently you didn't know she never said all that, does that mean you met her again?" I simply questioned. The next moment I felt Zain creep in closer as he spoke in a very soft tone, "I did."
"Good. It's over fifteen minutes. I hope you live a very happy life with her. Don't contact me again bye." I said getting up because I didn't have the courage to hear him say anything about her again.
But Zain was faster than me, he blocked my path and wrapped his arms around my waist as those butterflies made their way to me even in this awful situation. "Tu n'as aucune idée de l'effet que tu as sur moi. Est-il trop tôt pour dire que je suis amoureux de toi cherié." Zain whispered in my ears as he kissed the spot just beneath my ears making me tremble and something hit my memory like a light breeze in the sea.
(You have no clue the effect you have on me. Is it too soon to say I'm in love with you darling.)
I stared at him with complete disbelief. There's no way he could have known the exact same lines because I never even told them to my best friends. "How? What?" I questioned astounded.
"I hope you have learnt enough French in ten years to at least know what it means now." He winked at me with the biggest and stupidest smile on his face.
THERE WAS NO WAY THIS WAS POSSIBLE. NO WAY. Yet it was happening right now as my heart hammered out of my chest. "You-?"
"Must say I was quite flattered to know you learnt french for me and then ended up using it to flirt with me as well, Cherié." Zain said in his unwavering smirk while I could barely stand in shock. If his hands weren't wrapped around my waist I would have surely been on the ground now.
"I know it's a lot to take in but everyone doesn't get a second chance but we did and I'm not going to lose it over some stupidity of mine. I'm going to fix this. No matter how long it takes or what I have to do, I'm going to win you back." He told me earnestly.
"You're going to lose." I said in a dry voice as everything swirled inside my head.
"I never lose Cherié specially if it's you that I have to win over." Zain replied almost too confident.
"I forgive you for what happened that night at the airport and in my own ways I was wrong too. I got to know a part of your life today Zain and my respect for you has increased even more but I also know I deserve better than what happened between us. So-" I don't know where I was getting it all from but it was important that I cleared my heard until of course he shut me up with those sleek fingers of his on my lips.
"Chup. Take however much time you need to even think about. I promise I won't bother you but I won't leave you Zeh. I can't even imagine letting you slip through my fingers. The thought itself physically pains me. So do not complete whatever you were about to say. Take your time and I'll be waiting, however long it takes." Zain looked at me pleadingly so I didn't complete my sentence.
He was right I needed time to absorb everything. Hence, I left immediately to go home and sleep because that was what cleared my mind best. However, my plans were disrupted with a group call of my girls.
"Guess what!" Dua shouted excited.
"You're already married so maybe I'm becoming an aunt?" I teased.
"Ugh why are you guys after me! No, our families finally resolved everything. They are getting us married again!" Dua announced.
"Learn something Aloo-zeh, Dua jaan here is getting married for the second time in a few weeks and you couldn't even get married once." Noor complained.
"Ouch." I replied.
"Noor here got engaged three times in a span of three weeks and you broke yours, yes learn something Aloo-zeh." Shayra added as Noor seemed to hit her for it.
"So when's the wedding?" I asked Dua excited.
"Next week, the day after your birthday." Dua told me.
"Then I better get ready for double celebrations." I replied. The call went on for another hour and I had forgotten all about my exhaustion, dilemmas, surprise and broken hearts. That's what staying with my girls did to me. Every time it healed something within me that I didn't even know needed healing. All my problems seemed to be other worldly stuff for even a fleeting moment it was just me and my girls living in our own world, laughing at our lame jokes. This was something I wouldn't trade anything in the world for.
"Happy birthday!" The shouts erupted everywhere around me as the lights came back on. I should have known! My friends had thrown me a surprise party. I came with Melissa as she had already planned to give me a treat on my birthday. But as soon as we entered the restaurant it was pitch black and the next second I saw more than a dozen of my other friends standing in front of me with a cake.
"Oh my god, you guys!" I said engulfing them in a hug. After expressing my gratitude we all sat enjoying the dinner when I received a text.
Send me your location. I'll pick
you up.
I'm out with my friends and
as far as I remember we
didn't have any plans?
Now we do. Wrap it up fast
and let me know.
After another hour, Aariz picked me up, "At least tell me where we are going?"
"How will it be a surprise if I tell you?" Aariz sighed.
"How's your work going?" He questioned. "Perfect. Living my dream life that I wanted."
Next as expected I started blabbering all about my new work like a little girl with a candy, "Uff, I liked you better when you talked less. What did he do that you're back to being a chatterbox."
"Nothing. It's just after talking to him I feel a lot lighter." I admitted. I wasn't the calm person as I was showing to everyone on the exterior. My world had turned upside down after hearing Zain's confessions,
It felt weirdly calming how our destinies had played for itself since our first meet. I still couldn't believe it. But this was it, my french love was my Zain and the thought itself made me smile like a child.
He had been apologizing every single day for over two weeks so I had forgiven him specially after knowing his reasons and I couldn't be mad either as I was the one who broke our engagement not him.
The car came to a half and I noticed he stopped at Westminster Avenue. "Follow the pink lights."
"What? Where are you driving away?" I questioned alarmed.
"Have a safe flight tomorrow and don't make any stupid decisions tonight." He warned me before going off.
What in the world did just happen? However, taking his advice I followed the pink lights considering it was just a few trees that were covered in pink lights that led to the London Eye. The famous pink lights sparkled on the Ferris Wheel as it was evening. Just below it I spotted a familiar looking man.
He was all clad in his white shirt with his sleeves half folded knowing exactly what it did to me. "How did you get Aariz on your side?" I asked as soon as I was in his vincity.
"He said he's on my side?" Zain asked surprised.
"Well then let's say I owe him two favors whenever he decides to ask them." Zain replied.
"And he believed you will keep your word?" I scoffed.
"He did because I'm a man of honor Zeh. Just as I was when I said nothing will stop me from marrying you." He replied boastfully.
"What do you want?" I questioned.
"Happy birthday Cherié." He said giving me a small peck on my forehead.
"You haven't earned the right back." I shoved him off.
"Then let's hope by the end of the night I will." He winked at me and led me into the Ferris Wheel.
"We are getting on this? Now?" I questioned surprise.
"Yes I hope so I didn't pay all that extra money for nothing." Zain replied.
As we got into one of the private pods of the London Eye I was astounded. I had visited this a few times but this time it was decorated. There was a table set with bouquets of red rose filling the table with the middle arranged with cake and all around, even the floor was littered with rose petals. A huge teddy bear, even bigger than the last one he got me, probably this one was even bigger than me, lay on the seat waiting to be claimed.
"At least I deserve a few minutes of your special night?" He questioned and I nodded. Solely for the experience not him. Okay maybe a tiny bit for him.
As we got in the doors closed and before we knew it, we were on the London Eye soaring up to 135m high.
"Thank you." I told him.
"You don't have to thank me for this, Cherié. You said you would take me to the London Eye if we were in London together I'm just fulfilling a promise you made to me." Zain replied and I remembered our first conversation on a ferris wheel at a local fair.
"You seen to have changed your nicknames quite quickly." I noticed.
"Well everyone keeps calling you Zeh but", he whispered taking slow steps towards me and I knew exactly what he was going to do next. As expected he pulled me to his chest by wrapping his arm around my waist and whispering in my ears, "My Cherié only belongs to me."
"No you lost that right." I complained.
"If I lost that right you wouldn't be relaxing on my arms, you would be struggling to free yourself." Zain replied.
"I- fine." I said trying to playfully push him off because if truth be told I did not want him to leave me. "Admit it my crazy girl you want it and you want me."
With his hot breath against my skin I was definitely as red as the roses he had bought me. "Look we are at the top." I shouted distracting him so that he couldn't tease me about my rosy cheeks which he liked to compare to tomatoes.
"Why did it stop?" I asked as I felt the movement stop.
"I asked them to keep us at the top for some time." He replied.
I looked out of the glass pod to find the city glittering 100 metres below us as rain drizzled everywhere. "It's so beautiful ." I said in awe.
"It is." I looked at him to find his eyes already resting on me.
"If you're done then I should leave." I said not trusting myself around him for another moment. The way he looked at me itself did something to my poor heart.
"We are not going to be done until we get married at least." He replied.
"Let me remind you, if you forgot but we are not getting married Mr Zain Aziz."
"You will be Mrs. Zain Aziz no matter what it takes for me to convince you." He replied determined. "So tell me what will it take for me to convince you?"
"It won't work out anymore Zain. I'm very proud of you for whatever you have managed to do in your career and reach the heights your company has today but at the same time I have my own dreams and ambitions which require me to stay here. I can't ask you to leave your company for me, the one you left your family to make but I'm not someone who is going to compromise either. It's better if we understand the reality and our differences and end this for good." I said in one breath. I had given a lot of thought to everyone but at one point everyone has to come out of their little delulu world and realize the reality.
Instead of saying anything, Zain took my hands and made me sit down. "If that's the only problem Zeh, I don't care at all. It's not like I can't figure something to do for my company here. But I'm not letting anything come between us. The only reason I believed in myself and did whatever I did is because of you because of your note. How will I live alone with my company when it's very existence was named after you." He answered and seemed to pull out something from his wallet. It was his card with his company's name in it.
"What do you see?" He questioned.
"Zaitech?" I answered unsure as to what I was supposed to see.
"Look carefully." He told me and pointed at the letters in bold and capital. Until now I had thought it was only a design but it wasn't- OH MY GOD.
"Za i tEcH
"But I thought you hated me for what Mahir said." I asked confused.
"I thought I did too but the truth is I never could hence, I made myself forget you. But you were always there Zeh, everywhere." He said earnestly.
"Stop making it harder for me." I told him and got up, turning my back on him because I couldn't bear to hold eye contact with him or else I would end up crying, overwhelmed with this new revelation.
"Someone once told me that sometimes we form connections with people which we didn't even know you felt empty without. You're it for me Cherié. You're the one who makes me complete, the one I had been choosing since day one and the one I will continue to choose even after death. I don't care about what I lose as long as I win you because I love you Cherié, today a little more than I did yesterday and tomorrow a little more than today. I'm sorry Zeh for every single thing I have ever done that hurt you and I promise that if I ever do anything stupid again you have the full right to do as you wish I won't stop you but a second chance is all I ask. I stopped believing in the concept of happy families or fairytales which you used to believe before and I may not give you a fairytale because I don't think I'm someone capable of it, for the person I am and all my nightmares which still haunt me from time to time but I know one thing Zeh, I love you and that will never stop because all I keep thinking about now is about how to be part of your fairytale story. So tell me will you be able to forgive me once. Will you be Alizeh Zain Aziz? " He completed and I turned around to find him on his knees with my ring propped on his hand.
I quickly hardened my expressions because I could feel my eyes getting wet. However, I don't know what Zain thought it to be as he uttered the next lines, "You don't have to say yes. I understand if you don't want to yet or if you ever don't want to but I just wanted you to know that I will never stop choosing you even if you never want me back."
At that moment, I felt like slapping him, after everything he was still questioned whether I loved him or not, "How do you still not get how special you're for me. I know why you have a hard time believing it but I'm ready to reassure you everyday that you're the only one I have ever wanted Zain Aziz. Because this is it for me too. All our somethings mean a lot more to me than everything with anyone else. I don't need any fairytale love story I just need my love story where I have you. You can't give me a fairytale that's fine I'm here to share your nightmares too." I confessed and a second memory hit my brain.
"Je suis amoureux de vous" He smirked as I repeated it a few times to memorize it. This library boy seemed to be having a lot of fun, with me not knowing what he was saying so I promised to reply to him the next time we met.
(I'm in love with you)
"Je suis amoureux de toi aussi." I declared and put my hand forward for him to make me the wear ring.
(I'm in love with you too)
In one swift motion, Zain put the ring on my finger and the next moment I was in his arms, as he hugged me as tightly as possible as the rest of world slipped away for us. The feeling of peace and belonging was unmatched. This was it, my Aziz, forever to be mine. I savoured the moment as it lasted. I loved Zain and nothing in the world would change that. I know we might still get in fights in the future but I also know this man would always come back because that's where we belonged.
As we got down the pod it was still raining outside, Zain looked at me and asked, "Have you ever danced in the rain?" The flashbacks of our first rain together hit me. His hands reached for mine and before long, we were dancing in the rain.
"Wake up sleepybear the flight is about to land." I nudged Alizeh but she was sleeping without a worry in the world not that she should worry about anything as that was my duty to make sure.
"Two more minutes, you make a good pillow." She replied in a sleepy voice as her head lay on my shoulder with her hands wrapped around my bicep.
"I'm sure I can be a better pillow to you once we get married but for now you need to wear the seat belts so up." I whispered softly pressing a soft kiss on her cheek which seemed to have worked on waking her up with a smile.
"Now that's how you wake up someone. I have so much to teach you grumps." She teased.
"If you notice, I haven't been a grumps for quite some time now in fact it was you who had become my grumps." I teased her back.
"Zain Aziz is teasing me? I might have taught you too much then." She replied.
"You didn't have to do what you did in the morning." I told her with a tone of seriousness. Alizeh had called her dad in the morning and made him break off the deal between her family and mine. The one our wedding was based on.
"I know it doesn't matter to us anymore but I don't want you to have even a single moment of self-doubt that I wouldn't have chosen you. It might incur us some loss but it's not worth it to what goes in your mind. I meant it when I said I'm going to share your nightmares but the truth is I'm going to take away every single thing that ever haunts you because you're perfect and that is of course because you're my Aziz." She ended the last part cheekily.
Every time I thought I couldn't love her any more than this she did something that proved me wrong and I ended up being even more in love with her. I meant ever single word I had promised her last night and I was going to fulfill it while she promises to take part in my nightmares I promise to build her the fairy tales she has always wanted.
Five hours later, I was getting ready in the Aziz Mansion for Azaan's wedding. My family was overjoyed to know we got back together however, hers seemed a little mad so now maybe I will finally understand how Azaan feels with his in-laws, how pathetic was that now.
As I got out of my room, I received Alizeh's call. "Listen you better behave nicely in front of my dad because he can't seem to stand you anymore." She warned. Just great.
"If I can charm his daughter I can definitely charm him too." I boosted. As I was walking through the corridors I came at the crossroads of our hallway which led down to the stairs. But from the other three corridors my three brothers walked out at the same time too, engaged on their phones. Kabir seemed to be texting someone, Ahaan was on Facetime and Azaan had airpods on which clearly meant he was talking to someone.
The four of us stopped in the hallway as we looked at each other judgingly because we all knew who were on the other side of the phones. "Azaan weren't you supposed to have no contact with Dua until the wedding." Ahaan pointed out first.
"At least I'm talking to my wife not girlfriend." Azaan retorted back.
"Yes- yes sweetheart-" Ahaan seemed to say on the video call, and then looked at Azaan, "Sweetheart says she is my fiancée not girlfriend."
"I wasn't talking about you." Azaan replied and all our eyes went to Kabir.
"I don't even have a girlfriend." Kabir looked shocked at our assumptions.
"Whatever it is that you and Shayra are." Ahaan answered.
"I was just discussing with Shayra about all the rituals. As your brother I have to make sure the girl's side don't loot us today." Kabir replied.
But before we could say anything I felt someone pulled my ears from behind and I knew who it could be so I noticed from the corner of my eyes that Azaan quickly cut his call.
"Didn't I tell you guys to make sure Azaan doesn't talk to Dua before the wedding." My mom scolded us with Ahaan's mom and our grandmother beside her.
"So why are you pulling my ears, pull his." I complained.
"This is for the stupidity you did with my daughter-in-law." My mom answered. Oh wow, I knew about Dadi but now Alizeh was more dear to my mom too than me now. Ahaan and I swiftly cut the calls as the ladies began to notice ours too.
"I wasn't talking to Dua." Azaan lied shamelessly. "I was talking to Aadil." Ahaan added along. As expected the next pair of eyes landed on me, "Umm business calls." Kabir however remained quiet as he wasn't even in a call in the first place but rather texting.
"Give your phone here." Ahaan's mom demanded.
"But Aunt-" Azaan protested.
"All three of you." The ladies demanded so we handed it over.
"Just saying- you see I'm always innocent." Kabir told us.
As aunt took Azaan, Ahaan and my phone suddenly one of them rang and unfortunately it was mine.
"Cherié? Who's cherié?" My mom questioned but instead of letting me answer she answered it and put it on speaker.
"Aziz, if you ever cut the phone on my face again I'll kill you." Alizeh's loud and clear voice echoed through the corridors.
I immediately cut the phone as it remained in my mom's hands as everyone looked at me suppressing their laughs. "It seems you really wish to die Zain." Dadi commented as my brothers ended up laughing.
But that didn't last long as another phone rang, "Whose sweetheart is this now?" Ahaan's mom questioned. Ahaan tried to get the phone from her but the three of us cornered him immediately so that aunt could answer the call. Why should I get caught only?
"You rich brat! Why do you always run away when I remind you that you owe me ice-cream which I ruined saving your life." Noor's voice surprised everyone standing. After all, she didn't even make a sound in front of anyone but with Ahaan there was no stopping.
"Sweetheart we will talk later." Ahaan gulped in fear and quickly cut the call. The ladies sighed. Next, as expected it was Azaan's jaan to get him in trouble.
"You weren't talking to Dua right so there should be no problem if we answer this." My mom announced and put the phone on speaker, "Azaan! Why did you cut the call without choosing? Should I wear the golden bangles or the pinks ones." Dua complained.
The ladies rolled their eyes at Azaan and he spoke up quickly, "The- pink ones." And cut the call.
"What do we do with you guys!" Ahaan's mom sighed as my mom rolled her eyes again at Azaan while he looked everywhere else acting innocent.
"If you two are so desperate then should we ask the Qazi to get you two married along with him too?" Dadi questioned. It wasn't a bad idea, I certainly had no problems but Zeh would probably kill me if she didn't get to complete the functions she wanted.
"Really Nani?" Ahaan questioned dumbfounded and excited as his mom smacked his head, "You have become so shameless Ahaan."
"Kabir if I see any of your brothers not listening to us, you will be in trouble for them." My mom warned.
"Why do I always get in trouble without doing anything?" Kabir groaned at us.
"Because you're the youngest." Azaan replied smacking him on the head too. As the three of them were about to leave, I called them back.
"What?" Ahaan questioned.
I cleared my throat but it wasn't easy for me to talk about my feelings. Zeh was an exception but she was also the one who convinced me to do this.
"I know I never say this but you guys mean a lot." I admitted.
"Who kidnapped my best friend." Azaan questioned in a serious tone.
"You know right it's us and not bhabi?" Kabir questioned with big astounded eyes.
"Did I have to get my phone seized the day Zain confesses his love for me? Can't even record it." Ahaan sighed.
"I'm serious boys, I'm grateful that you guys are my brothers. Even if I don't show it but thank you for dealing with me." I relived a breath. Why was admitting my feelings harder than anything else in the world.
"I always knew you loved me the most." Ahaan said hugging me first.
"He did not say that, bhaia meant I'm his favourite brother." Kabir said joining our hug.
"I didn't know my wedding would get you so emotional. Don't worry I'm staying right here with you, no need to start crying for me now." Azaan teased joining the group.
Almost two hours after Zain's surprising confession about his love for me of course, we arrived at the hotel for the function. As expected the girl's side were reading holding the gate with the ribbon. I spotted my sweetheart standing in the front line with Alizeh bhabi, Shayra and some other whom I didn't know and I didn't care to know either.
"If you want our sister you need to pay up mister." The crowd from girls side chanted.
These are rituals carried out in south-asian culture during weddings
"5 lacs only to enter the gate and nothing less. As you're my jiju and devar we have given you discount." Alizeh bhabi announced.
"Okay. The faster I get my Dua the better." Azaan agreed but Kabir stopped him.
"Wait let me handle this. That is your discount?" Kabir negotiated on our behalf.
"Yes we wanted ten lacs but we still have more rituals left so for now five lacs is enough." Shayra answered back. They were the lawyers in the group so I guess letting them do the talking worked.
"Nope the council has decided only 1 lac." Kabir announced back as our other relatives cheered behind him. How come no one invited me to this council?
"If that's the case then as we are Azaan jiju's three most special saalis we have our separate demands." Shayra answered.
"Okay that's better one lac and three demands." Kabir answered.
"Listen to the demands first." Shayra smirked.
"I want a life-time supply of ice-cream from you." Noor stated and Azaan immediately agreed. I thought I had already agreed to that, how much more lifetime supplies of ice-cream did she need?
Alizeh bhabi was next as her eyes finally found Zain's who was behind us as he never liked taking part in all these but she rolled them at him and spoke to Azaan instead, "Your brother cut the call on my face today what do you think we should do to him."
Our traitor brother immediately smacked Zain on the head and brought him forward with us, "Zain I think you should apologize to Alizeh."
"My dear Zeh, I didn't mean to cut the call. It will never happen again because I don't want to die yet without even getting married to you. So I'm sorry." He apologized to her in front of some 100-200 people who were standing on both sides of the ribbon. Even a year ago he would rather die than apologize to anyone due to his ego but here he was bending down to his fiancé in front of hundreds of people with a smile on his face.
Azaan patted him on the back and turned to Shayra, "And what do you want?"
"I demand- your brother." Shayra announced as everyone around her went beserk with hooting shouts. "Looks like Azaan is selling you out." I whispered to a shocked Kabir whose mouth was wide open, speechless.
"Sure all yours-" Azaan was announcing as Kabir stopped him.
"His brother is not for sale-" and with that Kabir and Shayra started negotiating again until Noor played her move at me. She fluttered her eyes and started talking to me in the softest tone I had ever heard her talk to me in, "It's just five lacs won't you listen to me Ahaan?" Fuck- like I said all she needed to do was say my name and I would do anything.
"Of course sweetheart." I answered handing her a cheque of five lacs immediately before Kabir could stop me and the girl's side erupted in cheers while I knew my relatives would be up for beating me.
"How can I save you guys when you're determined to make us bankrupt." Kabir sighed. I didn't care how bankrupt I would go if it made my sweetheart smile the way she was now.
As we entered through the gates, the girl's side parted on two sides letting us pass as they were throwing flowers at us. But I felt particularly targeted by a handful of white flowers as they showered on me every two seconds. I looked around to find Noor standing with flowers throwing them at me particularly instead of the groom.
On either sides of Noor stood Alizeh bhabi who seemed to be targeting Zain rather aggressively but at this point we all knew how bad her target was so she kept missing most. Shayra on the other hand, had already emptied the flowers on her hand at Kabir. As we passed her Kabir pointed her to Azaan, "The groom is there."
"But mine is here." Shayra flirted and both mine and Kabir's jaw dropped.
"You good bro?" I patted him on the back, as we walked in with the procession. "No, my woman is determined to give me a heart attack by the end of the night."
"My woman?" I pointed out teasingly.
"I meant the woman, ugh you know what I meant." Kabir answered walking down.
A while later, Dua came in with her bridesmaid and as the ceremony started I went to stand beside Noor. "Nani was saying if we want we could get married with the same Qazi after them."
Noor's cheeks turned red yet she managed to question me instead, "Are you ready to call me sweetheart for the rest of your life?"
"Qubool Hain." I answered smirking at her. (I agree)
"Are you ready to call me husband for the rest of your life." I questioned back.
"Qubool Hain." (I agree)
"Also you cut the call without answering me." Noor complained.
"The call was on speaker. Everyone was hearing it." I explained and Noor looked at me horrified, and started hitting me with her small hands. "You rich brat! Your ruined my image in front of everyone!"
"If it makes you feel any better, Dua bhabi and Alizeh bhabi's wasn't spared either." I told her.
Before she could go to the extent of scratching my handsome face, the ceremony got over and Noor left to be by Dua's side. A few moments later, all the bridesmaid sat on stage to take pictures with the couple. But who knew it was a trap.
Before I could understand what was happening chaos had already ensued. Of course, the 'juta chupai' ritual where the girl's side steals the shoes and either the groomsmen get it back or have to pay to get it back. Safwan probably who was Dua's cousin had pulled off Azaan's shoes and ran off. As Zain cornered him he passed the pair to Shayra who ran off in the other direction where Kabir and Kiara ran after her. As she found herself between them, we guessed she would pass to Alizeh bhabi who was closest to her. The rest of us immediately ran to cover them but Shayra smartly slid the shoes to Noor who ran out of the hall into the corridors of the hotel.
"I'll get it from her." I assured them going behind her but Kabir, Zain, Kiara, Alisha and Zaina shouted "No" at once.
"I will this time!" I promised them running to the route Noor had taken. After all the bashing my cousins had given me I had learnt my lesson.
I managed to catch up with Noor as I was faster than her. She was running for one of the doors of the room. She scanned her card and just before she could close the door I stopped it by putting my hand.
Noor walked backwards as I closed the door behind us, "Where will you run now sweetheart?"
"You won't get the shoes." Noor warned.
"I'm not here for the shoes, I'm here for you sweetheart." I answered taking slow deliberate steps towards her as she moved backwards.
Ahaan approached me slowly, taking his time as I moved backwards not breaking our eye contact. Oddly, it reminded me of the cruise trip where we had ran after one another as I stole his phone.
I hit the edge of the bed and stopped and so did he pulling me towards him by the waist making my heartbeats grow faster. His free hand tried to snatch the shoes from my hand so I threw it on the other side of the floor.
The girls had trusted me with this job after a lot of pleading that I was capable of it so I wasn't going to let my rich brat ruin it. Ahaan tried to move away from me to run towards it but I stepped on his feet with my pencil heels which made him yelp and strutter back. In the process, he ended up accidentally pushing me as I fell to the bed, to support my fall I tried to grab the nearest thing to me which was him and with that we fell on the bed. Him on top of me.
His lips were right beside my neck as one his hands were still around my waist making stupid shivers run down my body. "Don't you want the shoes." I questioned hoping to get him off.
"Right now, I want you more." His hot breath clashed against my bare skin making my own breathing faster.
"Get up we don't have time." I told him.
"How about I tie you to the bed like we discussed the first time I caught you stealing something." Ahaan finally looked up at me and winked. This shameless brat!
"Thank you for your help sweetheart." He said kissing me on the cheek as he abruptly got up and ran with the shoes.
I ran right behind him but there was no way I would catch up with him as he was way faster. "Ahaan wait!" I called out. But he wasn't listening to me this time. So I said the one thing that would stop the world for him.
"Ahaan I love you." I shouted loud enough for him to hear. His steps faltered and he immediately looked behind with a look of disbelief on him, his face giving away his internal smile.
"What did you say?" He questioned still shocked.
I finally reached him and stood in front of him as I motioned him to bend a little downwards to whisper in his ears. Ahaan did as I asked I trailed my fingers down his hand as I softly whispered in his ears, with the biggest smile on my face, "I hate you my rich brat." But before he could complain I kissed him back on the cheek leaving my imprint.
Ahaan stilled in his place, almost blushing if I could say, so he didn't even make a movement when I took back the shoes from his hand and started running away. Ahaan watched me run away and after there was a good distance he ran after me too but not as fast as he did, as if letting me win intentionally.
I turned back to find him smirking and blushing at the same time as he ran behind me and I ended up smiling too seeing him. Yep, I had finally said it, I loved him. I loved Ahaan Rehman probably more than I would ever admit to him but I did. I knew in the years to come I would probably tell him this a lot but not today because today I wanted to make him yearn for it. If I gave in to him so easily it wouldn't be us. The 'us' who playfully fought with each other over small things and annoyed the other person at every chance they got. That was what I had fallen in love with first. I couldn't give him the satisfaction without a challenge yet. I felt a different happiness knowing we would always be playing our little games with each other and every time it made me fall for him a little more. I was his from the start and he was mine till the end.
As Noor came running in with the shoes we all covered while the Aziz cousins got ready to beat up Ahaan. "2 lacs for this." We announced.
"We can just buy our brother a new pair for less than that amount." Zain replied.
"You can't. That's against the rules." Alizeh answered.
"How about we put some discounts." Zaina tried.
"Then you get one shoe." Siara, Dua's cousin answered.
"Come on Azaan jiju I didn't know you were that miser." I teased him.
"Come on Azaan, these are my best friends they deserve something." Dua added in and looked at him with puppy eyes just as we had instructed her to.
"As you want Meri Jaan." Azaan seemed to hand over a cheque to Dua who then handed it over to us. Our jaws fell as we saw it was a blank cheque.
"Girls don't loot my husband okay." Dua warned us beaming at Azaan.
"Zain just got some competition for favourite jiju." I remarked.
"I give up. Just give them everything already." Kabir scolded Ahaan and Azaan.
"Kids if you're done with the fun then proceed to dinner." Dua's mother shooed us away.
As we sat for dinner, Noor and Alizeh nudged me, "When will you confess?"
"Baby steps." I replied.
"Seemed more like you were in a hurry to make a baby with him the way you kept giving him heart attacks." Alizeh pointed out.
The girls knew everything and it was their suggestion that I make the first moves now. Kabir had been clear about his intentions since day one. It was me, who had managed to get myself friend zoned in the first place. He was too nice to express his feelings now so that our newly reformed friendship didn't get ruined so I definitely had to make him realize I wanted to be more than his friend.
As everyone was at the front getting ready for the farewell, I had to come back at the hall because my earring had fallen. Yeah it was the same earring that Kabir had returned. I wore it because it matched my dress perfectly but probably a little part of me wanted Kabir to notice it as well.
As I looked for it I heard someone call out, "Are you looking for this?" As I turned around to find Kabir leaning on the doors of the hall, taking his time, watching me search for my earrings which were clearly in his hand. The flashbacks hit hard with a bitter sweet memory.
He walked forward and then put his hand forward to return it to me but this time I didn't want it anymore. "No plans to steal it this time?"
"Nope don't need to hear your taunts anymore." He tried to joke instead of saying the real reason.
"That's sad because I thought we would finally be equal." I replied.
"How so?" He questioned.
"Because I want to steal your last name now." I winked at him as he stood blinking at me in disbelief.
He reached forward and put his hand on my forehead as if checking my temperature. "What is up with you? Are you on a mission to prank me or something with Ahaan?" He questioned stupidly.
"Ahh Kabir. What do I do with you." I sighed and then took a deep breath, "I meant every single thing I said today. I know because of whatever happened in our past you might not trust me properly yet but I'm ready to earn it back. I knew love exists but I didn't think it would for me. You came along and I thought you were like every other guy that I had encountered but even when I tried to find flaws in you I couldn't because you're perfect. I thought you would lose interest after some time but you never stopped trying, proving me wrong with every action of yours. After some time, a part of me started wanting you to prove me wrong. You managed to turn my bad days into good ones, get me out of all kinds of trouble and never once let me down when I needed you even when I let you down. I have never been good with feelings like you are but for the first time in my life I know exactly what I feel and all of it is for you."
I could see the hint of a smile on his face but he managed to put hide it in his glinting eyes. He leaned downwards and whispered in my ears, "I think I might just steal the earring again, Love."
It took me a minute to fathom his words, "Only if you promise to never return it."
"You know what to do to get it back but I don't think that's ever going to happen now, heartstealer." Kabir replied. I felt all the blood rushing to my cheeks at his words. I was back to being his heart stealer and this time I had no intention of giving his heart back. It was mine now and forever would be.
For now this was all I wanted. My sunshine boy back to me and there was no way I was going to let him slip through my fingers again.
After we entered the Aziz Mansion, every single person made me feel welcome. It was surprising how everything had changed within this short span of time.
Alizeh had accompanied us, as she was also the daughter-in-law of the family. So having her with me in this unknown environment was a comfort.
As she helped me settle down, in Azaan's room I noticed the everything. It was the first time I was in his room in the Aziz Mansion even though he had been in mine many times. "Can't believe you're married for the second time and I can't even get done for one time." She sighed.
"You guys patched up right so it won't take much time now." I assured her.
"Where are you going?" I asked her.
"To hold the gate." Ahaan and Kabir answered instead.
"What now?" I asked.
"Well it's not fair only your best friends get the money. It's time we looted our brother a little." Kabir answered.
"I'm ready to loot him anytime." Ahaan replied.
"And why would I say no to double payment. In fact I deserve it because I'm from both sides." Alizeh nodded.
"If he wants to get in the room, he needs to pay up." Kabir explained. Great- everyone was looting my husband today in my name except me.
"Just so you all know, I'm not paying you guys anything during my wedding." Zain's voice interrupted.
"Bhabi!" Kabir and Ahaan turned to Alizeh immediately.
"Don't worry guys I'll make him pay if he doesn't want to." Alizeh assured them.
"Zeh!" Zain raised his eyebrows at him.
"What? Are you going to say no to me Aziz?" Alizeh questioned and Zain shook his head.
"Whipped." Ahaan commented and I couldn't agree more.
"Says the one who made us lose all the games just because his sweetheart smiled at him." Zain retorted back as we ended up laughing at him.
But the argument stopped as they heard Azaan approaching so everyone took their positions. A while later I could hear the commotion outside the room and a few minutes later Azaan entered, "I swear they are taking advantage of my love for you."
"Well I'm yet to take advantage. So give me my gift so that I can quickly change and sleep." I told him.
"Not so easily Meri Jaan." He told me with a smile playing on his face.
"Are you trying to hide the fact that you haven't gotten me a gift." I asked him, knowing full well he definitely did but I was in no mood to wait for it.
"No of course I did wait." He answered quickly and then brought out a beautiful ring. Due to our quick wedding, we had never gotten the chance to exchange rings.
"It's so pretty." I exclaimed as he put it on my finger.
"There's one more thing." He said rather softly.
"What?" I asked but instead of answering he brought out a little letter.
"You know how you used to write me letters back then and always complained because I never wrote you one. I wanted to fix that." He admitted.
As I finished reading his letter my eyes became a little moist. It was hard to believe he was the same Azaan who didn't believe in these acts of love yet here he was doing everything for me.
"I would choose to go through everything again just to get to you too Azaan." I admitted to him as these were his words in the letter.
"I know Meri Jaan. I know and I love you for that even more." He replied.
"When do you not love me huh?" I teased him.
"Always did, always do and always will Meri Jaan." He admitted giving me, my favourite forehead kiss. His Meri Jaan was enough to melt my heart and turn me into a puddle. As I looked up at him I realized I wouldn't have it any other way. If I could I would choose him in every other storyline no matter what came with it and that's how I knew this would be the beginning of our forever, happy ever after. The world might have been against us but our love couldn't keep us apart.
"Kabir hurry up, you don't want to miss this." I heard Noor and Dua bhabi shouting at me in the call.
At the moment, I was escorting most of our guests to their rooms as I stood in the lobby. Tonight was Zain bhaia and Alizeh bhabi's musical night. It was almost 1am in the morning and the elderly crowd was already gone as they needed rest for the big event tomorrow.
I quickly ran back outside where the function was happening. It was in the open arena of the resort. The whole place was packed with people even thirty minutes ago but now it was only a few of us.
I saw Shayra was on stage, I wondered why because our performances were already over. Noor and Ahaan had dances on the song 'sweetheart' which totally suited them. Shayra and I had performed on 'Jhumka' which was ironic enough. Dua bhabi and Azaan bhaia had chosen 'Janam Janam' for their slow dance making everyone glued to the stage. Later we had even had a face-off between the bride's side and the groom's side. Except this time we had all exchanged our sides. Dua bhabi, Ahaan and I had claimed ourselves to be from the girl's side because of course bhabi over bhaia. As a result, Azaan bhaia, Noor and Shayra had gone over to the groom's side as Noor already considered Zain bhaia as her own brother. Being in the girl's side was definitely more fun because we had already managed to loot Zain bhaia and the main wedding function was tomorrow. But the wedding functions had been going on for what seemed forever, they had haldi, mehendi, dholki, qawali night, bachelorette party, boys night and what not. Today we had the musical night tomorrow was the wedding and then reception.
Shayra garnered the few of us who were present, our attention, "Okay everyone, I'm here to confess something because the man I'm about to confess to thinks I'm always joking about it." OH MY GOD.
When Shayra had explained about her feelings at Azaan bhaia and Dua bhabi's wedding I had decided to give her time because I didn't want her to feel forced or inclined to reciprocate my feelings. We had been talking since then or more like flirting but we weren't exactly dating either because I hadn't asked her out yet. I planned to when I thought she was ready but looked like my assumptions were wrong.
"As you did not take the trouble to do it again, let me do it for you this time. So Mr. Kabir Aziz do you promise to never return my jhumka and let me keep your heart forever." Shayra admitted loud and clear in front of everyone. I heard everyone else cheering but for me, the rest fo the world ceased to exist. She looked just like she had when I had fallen for her. Her eyes confident, her beautiful smile making its way to my heart. But what was different this time was, her words made me blush.
"KABIR REPLY!" I was brought back to the reality by the shouts of our friends and my cousins.
"I do my Love." I answered as everyone else around us burst in cheers.
Her eyes found mine and before we knew it, we were both out of the way in the quieter area with no one around us.
"You surprise me sometimes." I told her.
"Sometimes? I must do a better job to make it always." She replied.
"I didn't think you were that desperate for me Love." I teased her, making her frown for a little.
"You didn't look like you had any intentions to confess this time. So I did it." She complained.
"I confessed whatever I had to my Love, and nothing has changed ever since that. When I said you stole my heart I meant it forever because no matter what happened you wouldn't leave my thoughts. You asked me to move on so many times but I couldn't Shayra, I never even wanted to try because just seeing you smile even if it wasn't at me, made me smile for a bit. I didn't want you to do anything out of compulsion because I was honest when I said I never expected anything back from you. But I want you to know even when I didn't talk to you properly for a time period, it was because I didn't want to annoy you in anyway. Even if we never reconciled I wouldn't have ever moved on Shayra because the day I fell for you was the day I had chosen my who to give my heart to and I could only do it once. I loved you Shayra since the moment I saw you. I didn't think love at first sight was possible but then my eyes fell on you and since that day I haven't been able to move them because I love you." I answered leaning towards her and giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. Only I knew how long I had to wait even for that.
"Kabir, the only reason I confessed in front of everyone is because I want you to believe it this time that I'll choose you in front of everyone and against anyone. I didn't even think I was capable of being in love but now I find myself waiting to see you again. I have never been in love before, like sure, but this time it's special because it's you. I love you and I have ever since I realized how it feels. " She admitted as my lips betrayed me to start smiling like a mad man.
I ended up blushing and as if that wasn't enough I noticed something on her henna applied hands, "Is that my name?" I asked taking her hands in mine and sure enough, it really was my name.
"People usually do this for their husbands or boyfriends right?" I asked her knowing I was neither of them at the moment.
"So? I did it for my future husband. I'm going to steal your last name as a payback you know." She flirted with instead and I found myself engulfing her in my arms. "Oh god woman!"
"Your woman." She corrected me. Yes my woman, my love, my girlfriend and my to be-wife. All mine.
"This is so peaceful." I heard her murmur. I couldn't agree more. It felt like she belonged right here with me. My heart was beating like crazy but I could feel hers was too. It wasn't just me anymore it was us and it was going to be that way until our last day. If I could go back in time I would ask the past me to not give up. At one point, I was sure Shayra would never fall for me but here she was in my arms confessing to me.
I didn't know what the future held for us but I knew this time we would go against every odds because we were together and I wouldn't have it any other way. The world around us seemed to quiet as we simply stood there in each other's embrace, our hands intertwined, our hearts beating in sync. There was a peace in that silence, a warmth that words could never fully capture. She stole my heart but in return I had stolen her soul.
I rewatched our nikkah video for the hundredth time as I got ready for our 'baarat' function.
"Qubool Hain." I said thrice and as Zain's turn came he ended up saying 'Qubool Hain' even before the Qazi asked him which made everyone present in the room laugh.
We had decided to have our nikkah first so that we could enjoy the rest of our wedding functions peacefully.
(I made a wedding aesthetic collage but for some reason the website isn’t allowing it to be uploaded so you can check my insta highlight- Spoilers)
As I walked down the aisle Zain looked at me like his life depended on it. "You look beautiful." He whispered to me as we sat on the stage.
"You look handsome too. No drop that you look like mine." I answered.
"I'm yours Cherié. All yours." He replied.
"Uff I'm already so tired I want to sleep." I told him as my cheeks started hurting with all the smiling.
"But you aren't going to get any sleep tonight Zeh." He winked at me and it took all the control I had to not blush.
"I won't even bother saying how shameless you have become." I replied.
"You were the one getting desperate to sleep." Zain teased me.
"You know what I meant!" I answered gritting through my teeth as I couldn't hit him in front of everyone.
But he didn't reply to me as something in the distant caught his eyes, "What doesn't you brother leave my sister alone." Zain asked annoyed looking at Zaina and Aariz who were speaking of more like arguing in the distance.
"Seems more to me like your sister won't leave my brother alone." I answered back.
"Seeing how things are going, I have a feeling he might become your jiju instead." I teased him knowing how well Aariz frustrated him, not knowing how soon it was about to come true.
"Not funny Zeh. What are they even talking about since so long?" He questioned.
"Why don't you go and see instead of talking to your new wife properly." I taunted and that seemed to have gotten his attention back.
His eyes softened, "I'm sorry, what does my wife want me to do?" Uff- the way he said wife. It sounded so good and what made me feel even better was I was the wife. The only one who got this version of Zain Aziz.
After some five or six hours I was finally in our room. We were still staying at the resort as we would leave tomorrow morning and have the reception later.
I heard a lot of commotion outside so I could guess Zain was outside. Zain entered the room a bit later so I quickly pulled the veil over me, "Only because of you, my brothers completely looted me.” I heard him say but then probably his eyes fell on me, “Umm what's happening?" Zain questioned.
"You're supposed to remove the veil and give me a gift!" I answered extending my hand.
When he was quiet I pulled the veil over myself, "DON'T TELL ME YOU DIDN'T KNOW!"
"In my defence, no one told me." Zain pulled up his hands in surrender as he sat a few inches away from me.
"Uff Zain! How do you not know this. The first thing I'm gonna do tomorrow morning is kill Azaan, for not teaching you anything." I sighed.
"I'm sorry Cherié. We will both kill Azaan tomorrow and I'll get you a gift too. For now cheer up." He tried to console me.
"But it's not the same." I said sadly.
"You really want to a gift?" He questioned and I nodded.
"Then let's get you a gift." He answered.
"But, how can we get me a gift now it's almost two am in the morning and-" but he didn't let me complete, "Chup" that was the last thing he said before crashing his lips into mine.
To say he kissed me was wrong, he completely devoured me, only stopping for a few seconds when I ran out of breath and claiming me back.
After what seemed like an eternity he finally broke away from me, "Did you like your gift?" He smirked at me.
"The best." I replied still catching my breath.
"I love you Cherié." He uttered randomly.
"I love you too my grumps." I replied back as his forehead touched mine and we stayed like that for a few minutes, letting our eyes do the talking. I remembered the boy in the library and looked at the man sitting with me. If anyone had told me I would marry my french love, I would laugh at them for being delusional but maybe I had hoped for it too secretly because I did learn French to reply to him and I finally had. I remembered the nervous glances we shared across library aisles, and the heated glances we had shared after our wedding had been fixed first Those were fragments of a life that seemed so distant now, yet so essential to who we had become. We had come full circle—from strangers in a library to fiancé who planned on getting away from each other and now so in love we couldn't bear to stay a moment apart, bound by something that transcended words and miles. Our love was arranged by destiny itself.
"Nope Paris would be best." Shayra argued with Azaan at the breakfast table.
"Dua and I already went there on our honeymoon. Let's go to Greece instead." Azaan explained.
"Well how about Turkey?" Noor's soft voice added to the commotion at the table.
"Well if that's case then how can we skip Italy guys?" Kabir demanded.
We were all sitting here discussing our trip options. First it had started as the question of where we planned to go for honeymoon but I had talked Zain out of it. We would be moving to London, for good in two months and I would have enough time for honeymoon period with him there hence, I wanted a family trip.
"Let's just vote or else this way we won't ever get to decide." Dua suggested.
"I vote on whatever sweetheart votes on." Ahaan answered.
"Or geniuses- how about we just do a Europe tour." Zain finally spoke up.
"Yes!" I heard them explain as they started with new discussions now. "You really, want us to skip honeymoon to listen to them bicker for fifteen days?" Zain sighed whispering in my ears.
"Don't be mean, the family trip will be a different type of fun." I tried to cajole him. But it still felt weird as I looked back, we weren't a group of friends anymore, we were a part of a family now. I looked around at me as their loud voices and laughter echoed around the table, each person adding their own color to the tapestry of memories we'd made together. I felt a deep warmth settle in my chest, this was what I'd been missing, without even knowing I was searching for it.
"Okay guys how does it matter as long as we are all together?" Kabir finally broke the argument.
"To the memories we are about to make." Ahaan clinked on his glass, though it was breakfast juice we all joined him. Each of us was surrounded by the people we cherished the best memories with and many more best memories we were about to make together and in that instant, nothing else mattered.
(What are your thoughts 🤧? I’ll be waiting for the comments)
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